

发布日期:2021-12-03   点击量:

作    Alfred Tennyson


人:【美】Peggy McIntosh


本书收录英国著名诗人阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生的诗歌。丁尼生(1809.8.6-1892.10.6),维多利亚时期代表诗人,英国著名桂冠诗人。他擅长写短诗,比如《拍岸曲》(“Break, Break, Break”),《轻骑英烈传》("The Charge of the Light Brigade")等等。代表作品为组诗《悼念》(“In Memoriam”),这是英国文学中最伟大的挽歌之一。其主要作品还有《国王的田园诗》(“Idylls of the King”)。

丁尼生根据中国哲学家老子的生平和著作创作了长诗《先贤》(“The Ancient Sage”),并将它视为自己后期最好的诗作之一。


人就是人,是自己命运的主人。(For man is man and master of his fate.)

要奋斗,要探索,要有所发现,不要屈服。(To strive,to seek ,to find and not to yield.)


“Tennyson's Poems”

Author: Alfred Tennyson

Publisher: Boston: Ticknor and Fields

Publication Time: 1865

DonatorPeggy McIntosh


Alfred Tennyson (6th,August,1809 -6th,October,1892) was Poet Laureate of Great Britain and

Ireland during  Queen Victoria's reign and remained one of the most popular British poets. Tennyson

excelled at penning short lyrics, such as "Break,Break, Break", "The Charge of the Light Brigade"etc. “In Memoriam”, one of the greatest elegies in British literature, was his masterpiece. “Idylls of the King” was also one of his famous works.

Based on the lifetime and masterpieces of Chinese philosopher Lao Zi, he created a long poem named “The Ancient Sage”. He regarded it as one of his greatest masterpieces in his later period.

There’re two remarks from him: For man is man and master of his fate; To strive, to seek ,to find and not to yield.

Alfred Tennyson was the most famous and most characteristic poet at that time. His poems reflected the mainstream and interest in his time that any other poets were too far behind to catch up with him.